Payment Instruction
Please submit the order first so we could generate the license for your software.
We are accepting Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) (also other cryptocurrencies if you have). If you are not familiar with these payment methods, please scroll down to learn how to buy them.
Note that you can buy BTC or ETH with your credit card, bank transfer, Paypal, or Western Union, Money Gram, cash,... almost all types of payment, from a BTC / ETH seller near your location. Also you can buy BTC / ETH from sellers around globe easily. Read the guide below to get more info.
Do not send money to our email address, but please read the following payment instruction to get our wallet address to send BTC or ETH to. If you have another coin to pay us, let us k now and we will give you our wallet address.
Pay With Bitcoin BTC (small part of)
You hear about Bitcoin but you may not know how to buy Bitcoin
Easiest way is google it: please search for: "Buy BTC" + your location
Buy BTC United States
We can quote here a few website where you can buy BTC: Coinmama, Remitano, Buybitcoinworldwide,,,...
Just visit the sites above, choose a nearby BTC seller and the preferred payment method, then they will send you BTC. You will need to have a BTC wallet to receive what they send you. However, you can give them the following wallet address (which is our BTC wallet address), that way you do not need to create and maintain your own BTC wallet.
Here is our BTC wallet address to send money to: - Copy and paste it because it's case sensitive
Notice: If you have paid, look at the menu on our site and click the link called "Send Payment Info" to let us know about your payment. We will then generate the download link for the version of APR Hacking Software you purchased. Next, the download link will be sent via email and you can click on that link to download the hacking software.
Pay With Ethereum ETH (small part of)
You hear about Ethereum but you may not know how to buy Ethereum
Easiest way is google it: please search for: "Buy ETH" + your location
Buy ETH United States
We can quote here a few website where you can buy ETH: Coinmama, Remitano, Buybitcoinworldwide,,,...
Just visit the sites above, choose a nearby ETH seller and the preferred payment method, then they will send you ETH. You will need to have a ETH wallet to receive what they send you. However, you can give them the following wallet address (which is our ETH wallet address), that way you do not need to create and maintain your own ETH wallet.
Here is our ETH wallet address to send money to: - Copy and paste it because it's case sensitive
Notice: If you have paid, look at the menu on our site and click the link called "Send Payment Info" to let us know about your payment. We will then generate the download link for the version of APR Hacking Software you purchased. Next, the download link will be sent via email and you can click on that link to download the hacking software.
How to get download link
Once you send payment, come back to our website, click the link called "Send Payment Info" on the menu. We will send you an email with the link to download the APR version you purchased and the license..
The generated link will be automatically sent to your email address. Check your spam folder as well if you dont find the link.